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Старый 19.06.2017, 12:29   #14  
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канал выделил речь Dave Froslie about Extensibility в отдельный выпуск

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Сообщение от Dave Froslie
0:08 so there are some platform extensibility
0:11 things that that are in the product like
0:14 Martin said you know like pre and post
0:16 events for each method and things like
0:19 that various metadata extensions of
0:21 stuff but there certainly are still a
0:23 lot of cases where the product wasn't
0:24 designed for extensibility so those are
0:28 insufficient you're going to need a you
0:31 know some sort of hook point in the
0:32 middle of on these large methods maybe
0:34 one of these large methods really
0:35 shouldn't be a large method it should be
0:37 several different methods that where the
0:39 where the pre and post would just work
0:41 for it so we've been spending a lot
0:45 quite a bit of time with with some
0:47 partners we've worked with some of our
0:49 largest ICS mostly ones that are up on
0:54 app source that have tons of tons of
0:57 different customizations both
1:01 significant in new add-ons and new
1:03 elements that they've added to the
1:05 product but also live places where
1:06 they've both over layered and extended
1:08 to try to source a bunch of requirements
1:11 because we we know there are a lot of
1:13 places the product that we just we have
1:16 to build in some better extensibility
1:18 capabilities and and so that's that's
1:21 what we're working towards so and just
1:23 to kind of be concise on what the
1:27 roadmap is so the we have this idea of a
1:31 soft seal which means that you get a
1:33 compiler warning if you do if you over
1:36 layer a model and element in the model
1:37 and then we have the idea of a hard seal
1:39 which is a compiler error so that's at
1:43 some point which we've our roadmap says
1:45 is the release that isn't in about
1:48 twelve months time frame we're going to
1:49 have a hard seal of the app suite so at
1:52 that point that that's the point that is
1:56 where the rubber meets the road you
1:57 would say that that we're going to see
1:59 more of these things really really
2:02 surface this fall with our next release
2:05 after the one that we're working towards
2:07 cleaning up right now and releasing is
2:10 is a soft seal on the app suite which
2:13 we'll start getting those those warnings
2:15 now there is quite a long life of that
2:18 fall release Emily our support policy
2:20 says that that releases support for
2:22 three years so customer doesn't have to
2:26 move forward to the hard steel spring
2:28 release if he has some over layering but
2:31 you know we want people to do that right
2:34 I mean that's the whole goal this is
2:35 that customers move forward with us the
2:38 other thing that we've done with the
2:40 releases coming now are quote unquote
2:42 spring release is we've soft sealed a
2:45 lot of our our middle tier models the
2:48 platform has been hard sealed since last
2:50 fall we saw sealed some we have a number
2:54 models that are lower level application
2:57 models like have our dimensions of some
3:01 financial things and our other
3:04 application frameworks that we saw
3:06 sealed now so that that will start
3:08 coming up the the process of requesting
3:13 extensibility hooks would you know it
3:15 Connect is the kind of a de-facto way to
3:17 go about doing that we definitely do pay
3:20 attention those those get piped into our
3:22 internal TFS instance and they've
3:27 certainly become part of our backlog
3:29 right now our backlogs large because we
3:32 know we have a lot of gaps to fulfill
3:34 and we've hit a fair number of them for
3:37 the spring release but we have a lot to
3:40 cover before the fall release in order
3:43 to add extensibility points so it may
3:46 seem like the the response is slow and
3:49 we're not listening but trust me we are
3:51 and we are going to keep working working
3:54 down that list once we get that backlog
3:56 under control at you know I think we're
3:57 going to we haven't really come to a a
4:03 finalized approach for this but we're
4:05 going to have to have some sort of a
4:06 some sort of commitment some sort of
4:08 agreement with the ecosystem that that
4:11 says we're going to address a extension
4:14 request in a certain amount of time
4:15 frame so it's not an open-ended type of
4:18 thing and you know I can see there's
4:21 multiple answers to any extensibility
4:24 requests to write there might be some
4:25 things we say you know what this isn't
4:27 some
4:27 that's going to be upgrade friendly you
4:29 know we have to find a different way to
4:31 do this but there's other cases that are
4:33 just going to be we're not going to have
4:35 all of them nailed with the fall release
4:37 or even the spring release we're going
4:38 to still see some things that that we've
4:41 missed that we're going to have to
4:42 address and we you know we have to have
4:44 a policy that enables us to turn that
4:48 around in a way that the the ecosystem
4:52 can trust I guess is is where we're
4:54 going with that the interesting thing
4:56 with platform is we haven't seen a lot
4:57 of requests like this but as Martin said
4:59 correctly points out that's a much
5:02 smaller scoped block than what what they
5:07 absolutely will be ultimately
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Последний раз редактировалось mazzy; 19.06.2017 в 12:34.
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